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Wine Tumblers for Runners


At Gone For A Run our mission is to offer items that will enhance and enrich every runner's experience and lifestyle. By nature, runners are always on the go. Occasionally, though, we like to stop and enjoy a glass of wine when we are socializing or relaxing outside, but using your engraved crystal glass isn’t always the safest or most practical option when at the beach or in the park. To remedy this situation, we created our Run Now Wine Later Wine Tumbler Collection.

I Tend to Run and Wine A Lot - Wine Tumbler

The exterior has a glossy powder coat finish in a choice of on-trend colors with the graphic designs laser-engraved in stylish mixed fonts. Measuring 4.5” in height, the tumbler holds 9 ounces and curves like a wine glass from the stable base to 11” in circumference at the widest point, giving it a pleasing shape that feels right at home in the hand.

Running Wine Tumbler Collection

Although you will want one (or two . . . ) for yourself, these Wine Tumblers are an ideal gift for your wine-loving running partner for a birthday, holiday or just because. Pick a fun one like "I Tend To Run and Wine A Lot" or the heartfelt "She Believed She Could So She Did". For anyone completing a marathon, "Cheers To You 26.2" with a favorite bottle of wine is a perfect way to celebrate and commemorate such an amazing accomplishment. Gone For a Run Wine Tumblers are 5 Star Rated

Whether your grape of choice is chardonnay or cabernet, these Wine Tumblers will maintain the temperature when you are at an afternoon barbecue or having a picnic in the park in summer. Or, if you prefer sipping mulled wine while walking through a winter wonderland, your tumbler will keep it warm throughout your stroll. You will find that you like it so much, though, that you will end up using it for any drink both at home and whenever you are on the go. Cheers!