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ChalkTalk SPORTS® is a lifestyle brand that celebrates the pure joy that playing a sport brings by uniting players, families, and friends.
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Tips, tricks, and winning plays for athletes and their families.

Life Lessons Coach Megan Has Learned from Running

1) There Are No Shortcuts Running isn’t just about race day. A race is a culmination of consistent commitment to training. Similarly, beating coronavirus will require dedication to social distancing and persistence in practicing safe habits. Beating this pandemic will require patience, consistency, and time, much like preparing for a race.

Beating this Pandemic is Like Preparing for a Race

2) Sometimes Success Is Simply Not Giving Up We all have those runs…the ones when you want so badly to stop after each step you take. But we keep moving forward, each time taking that next step, and then, eventually, we have finished our run. On that day, success is defined by the fact that we never gave up. With COVID19, there are also difficult days. Stay-at-home orders have forced families to spend unprecedented time together while maintaining balance at work, school, and daily life. We have been forced to change our routines and adapt. We must take things one step at a time and not give up when we face challenges.

Success Is Defined by the Fact That We Never Gave Up

3) Every Day Is Different Some days 5 miles is easy. Others, it feels like a marathon. Running is a sport filled with highs and lows. Similarly, each additional day we are quarantined inside our homes away from loved ones is different. Some days may pass by seamlessly. Maybe you had fun baking a new recipe with your kids or had a productive tele-meeting with work! Other days are harder. There are days you miss the touch of a loved one or the fun giggles over drinks on a night out with friends. As runners, we have learned to ride the roller coaster of highs and lows highlighted in this difficult time.

One Step at a Time - Don't Give Up When We Face Challenges

4) Sometimes The Little Things Matter Little things like taking time to stretch and foam roll after a run or making sure to get enough sleep at night make such a difference in training. Doing these things that promote recovery helps set you up for success on your next run. With COVID19, we have seen the difference that daily activity and exercise can make as we spend the majority of our time confined in our homes. Also, we have experienced the difference social contact through apps, like Zoom and FaceTime, can make when trying to stay connected with loved ones. These seemingly small parts of our day add up and help promote our physical and mental well-being to propel us through this time.

Running - There is Always Room for Improvement

5) There Will Always Be Something New To Learn The great part about running is there is always room for improvement. This provides an incredible opportunity to learn from one another in an attempt to better ourselves and our own performance. Likewise, there is always new information coming out about COVID19. As this pandemic continues to progress, we learn more about the virus and how to best combat it. For this reason, it is essential that we stay up to date with current guidelines and regulations released so we are best able to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy during this difficult time.

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While COVID19 has been a difficult time for everyone, we are in this together and the lessons we have learned through running will help us get through this unprecedented time!

Meet Megan Cunningham, Gone For A Run’s Virtual Coach Megan Cunningham is an elite distance runner competing in distances from the 3,000m to the marathon. Growing up outside of St. Louis, Missouri, she attended her local high school and competed in both cross country and track. Following high school, she was fortunate to continue competing for the University of Missouri, where she ran cross country and track while pursuing a pre-med degree in Biology. Post-collegiality, Megan has shifted her focus towards racing on the roads as well as coaching fellow runners. Most recently, Megan won the Virginia Beach Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon and competed in the 2020 USA Olympic Marathon Trials. To learn more about Megan CLICK HERE.