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ChalkTalk SPORTS
ChalkTalk SPORTS® is a lifestyle brand that celebrates the pure joy that playing a sport brings by uniting players, families, and friends.
Our passion is sports and it continues to be the drive at ChalkTalk SPORTS®


Tips, tricks, and winning plays for athletes and their families.

Adapting for the Holiday Season

Turkey Trots

Turkey’s in the oven… now it’s time to sit down for just a minute! Well, not exactly in my family. Every year, my mom and I start off our Thanksgiving morning with a Turkey Trot. While most in-person races have been canceled and large Thanksgiving gatherings are unlikely to happen, Turkey Trots do not have to be canceled! It is time to go virtual. Even if we can’t run alongside our loved ones, we can still race together! This year, I’ll be hitting the trails in Flagstaff, AZ while my mom does the same in St. Louis, MO.

Virtual Races

Try this: Sign up with your loved ones for a virtual Turkey Trot! Even if you are across the country from one another, this is a tradition that doesn’t have to disappear. Pick out your turkey swag, lace up your running shoes, set a designated time, and take part in one of our Turkey Trots! Post your results and photos on the race recap page to share the experience with other trotters across the country.

Register Now!

Virtual Races

Thanksgiving Dinner

For a holiday centered upon spending time with family around the dining room table, the impact of COVID has become extra apparent this year. Large family gatherings are canceled, parades are called-off, and footballs lie discarded in backyards. While Thanksgiving dinner and your family time may be a bit different, we do not have to skip the holiday this year.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Try this: Small, intimate dinners are a perfect opportunity to try out that new Thanksgiving recipe you have been too nervous to make in previous years. Now, you can try a new dish without fear of messing up! Take the time to slow down this year! Often, Thanksgiving is a time of pressure trying to prepare the perfect meal for our beloved guests. Take the time this year to appreciate the act of making your Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe even let the kids help out a bit!

Use technology to celebrate this year. Schedule a Zoom call with extended family members and turn on the TV to watch your favorite football games. While we may not be able to experience a traditional Thanksgiving in person, we can still maintain our favorite holiday experiences.

Cooking on Thanksgiving

Black Friday Sales

So we may not be hitting the road at 2 am, running through stores searching for the best deals, or standing in crowded check-out lines, we do not have to give up our annual kick-off to the Christmas season! Most major retailers are shifting to online deals, so get ready for those holiday deals without risking COVID exposure. With deals shifting online, now we can get even more of the bargains all without leaving the couch!

Try this: Shopping for a runner? Check out our incredible holiday deals and merchandise to add a little fun to their runs!

Shop Now

Happy Thanksgiving 2020

While Thanksgiving may look a bit different this year, with a little creativity, we can still maintain the traditions we enjoy. Take the opportunity to focus on what we CAN do this year and the things we have to be thankful for rather than the things we cannot.

Try These Things This Thanksgiving