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Running Shoes: Finding the Perfect Pair

Training Shoes


These shoes are suited for runners with medium arches or those with high arches who show signs of supination. Also, neutral shoes are preferred for those who wear orthotics. They tend to have midsole cushioning and support to aid in shock absorption.

Stability Running Shoes


Stability shoes are designed for runners who experience mild over-pronation with low arches. They have added medial support to minimize over-pronation during running. These are the most popular type of running shoes for stability.

Neutral Running Shoes

Motion Control

Runners who exhibit moderate or severe over-pronation may benefit from motion control shoes, which have extra built-in medial support with flat out-soles. This aids in stabilizing the foot to prevent excessive pronation.

Motion Control Running Shoes

Specialty Shoes

Trail runners may opt for a stronger, more rugged shoe to handle the varied terrain of their runs. Typically these shoes are stiffer and are often supported with rock plates to enable them to withstand adverse conditions.

Specialty Running Shoes

Lightweight Roads

As runners become more experienced and serious about their training, they may choose to incorporate a lightweight shoe for harder workouts and races. These shoes are lighter, less structured versions of neutral category shoes. They enable runners to feel light on their feet as they run faster paces.

Lightweight Roads Running Shoes


Minimalist shoes also fit into the neutral running shoe category. These shoes give runners more contact with the ground through a zero heel to toe drop. These shoes offer minimal support.

Minimalist Running Shoes

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