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One coupon per customer, per day. Dollar-off discounts applied prior to percent off total purchase discounts. Coupon cannot be used in combination with any other coupon offers or special military discounts. Cannot be combined, copied, transferred or sold. Altered, duplicated or reproduced coupons will not be accepted. Valid for merchandise only. Not valid on clearance (in some cases, clearance products may be counted toward the order value required for meeting coupon thresholds. Please refer to your coupon for specific information. Clearance products are found in the clearance section of our site and are typically priced with a $0.98 ending), the purchase of a gift card, applicable taxes, shipping and handling charges or previous purchases. Not redeemable for cash. Consumer pays sales tax. Coupon discount will be applied as a percentage off each item in your transaction. You will receive the price paid (after discount) on all returned or exchanged merchandise. The value of the coupon discount will not be refunded on returns or exchanges. Employees not eligible. ChalkTalk SPORTS Group Inc. reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice. Void where prohibited. ChalkTalk SPORTS, GoneForaRun and LuLaLax are a registered trademarks owned by a subsidiary of ChalkTalk SPORTS Group Inc.


Coupon Tips

  • If a minimum purchase is required, this minimum is calculated based on the value of the merchandise only and does not include tax, shipping, gift services, or gift cards.
  • Some coupons are brand specific, ChalkTalkSPORTS, GoneForaRun or LuLaLax. Merchandise from that brand will only be discounted.
  • Total discount calculated is based on qualifying products only. Typically this excludes clearance items.
  • Promotional codes cannot be combined
  • Sign up for emails to receive special offers, news about promotions and new products.