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basketball tshirts

There’s no better way to say it: Americans are sports fanatics, especially when it comes to high school sports. It’s often been said that high school sports are an integral part of the tightly woven fabric that makes up American society. Over 5 million kids participate in sports during any given school year. In fact, 66% of all boys and 52% of all girls play organized sports. Therefore, it’s pretty safe to say Americans are serious about their love of sports.

High school basketball fans may be feeling a little down considering the season is over. While spring and summer sports such as track and field and lacrosse are also exciting, basketball fans are missing out on the court. However, personalized basketball gifts can keep the excitement of the season going, even though the season is over. Not only do custom gifts make for great sports gifts, they’re an excellent way to unite the team during the off season.

If you’re stuck brainstorming fun and unique custom basketball gift ideas, there are so many ways to find inspiration. Here are just a few gift ideas to get you started.

Custom team shirts
Everyone loves custom tees and basketball tshirts are — and will always be — both a player and fan favorite. When creating a design for your custom basketball tshirts, you may want to include your team’s colors, mascot, or perhaps a favorite chant or inspirational quote to add a finishing touch.

Custom basketball towels
It may seem like the beach and the sport of basketball have little to nothing in common, however, why not combine your love of both by creating fun, unique basketball beach towels? You can use the same or a similar design for beach towels as with basketball tshirts, or you can go a different route.

Custom water bottle designs
Staying hydrated is key for any sport, especially basketball, and custom water bottle designs are an excellent way to stay hydrated both on and off the court. Plus, it’s a great way to rock some team pride.

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