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Game Day Essentials from ChalkTalkSPORTS.com
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We have so many spring sports in action now – baseball, softball, lacrosse, and more! From being the “sports taxi driver” to the team parent, sports Moms and Dads always have their heads in the game, you guys are awesome! We want you to relax a bit more though – so we’ve compiled a list of Game Day Essentials so you don’t forget anything when you’re rushing around Saturday morning before the game.

Lawn chair/bleacher cushion: Did you say double header? You have a long day ahead of you, make it a comfy one! Bleachers can become uncomfortable after a while, your tush will thank you later! Another option – bring a blanket to sit on!

Speaking of blankets, this spring weather can tend to get chilly, consider bringing a light blanket or jacket for yourself. And if its warm out make sure you’re covered with sunglasses or a hat. Be safe Soccer Aluminum Monogram Waterbottlepeople!

Also keep covered with sunscreen – a must have! Bring sweat proof sunscreen along with you so your athlete stays protected throughout the game. And even though this is a prime opportunity for you to get a little sun-kissed, put some on yourself too!

Hydration: Keeping yourself and the kids hydrated is very important for game day. It will let your athlete play their best, while you feel your best. Don’t leave the house without water, and you could always pack your athlete with some Gatorade for extra electrolytes.Honey Stinger Energy Gels

Snacks, snacks, and more snacks: Keep your athlete fueled on the field with some healthy snacks – fruit and granola bars will keep their energy up throughout the game. Or throw a bunch of nuts and dried fruits together in a big zip lock bag to make a yummy trail mix! Our Honey Stinger Energy Gels and Chews also give your athlete energy to play their best! You should always pack more snacks than less – you never know if a teammate might need a bite! And don’t forget some snacks for yourself too!

Night game? Bring your bug repellent so the only annoyance that night is the umpire making cheap calls!

GripBands from ChalkTalkSPORTSBe prepared for any given situation with anti-itch cream, antibiotic cream, and band-aids for any cuts or scratches your all-star might get on the field – an instant ice pack is great to have handy too for any bumps or bruises. Is your daughter having a hair-tastrophe? Pack some extra hair ties and headbands as well.

Hand sanitizer  and disinfecting wipes will definite come in handy. No guarantees that your slugger will stay clean throughout the game!Lacrosse Corn Hole Travel Size Game

Bringing along your little ones? Keep them occupied with crayons, paper, and other toys. The last thing you want is a cranky toddler at the game!

With these Game Day Essentials you will be ready for anything! Now get everyone in the mini van and head off before you’re late! Good luck team!

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