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DIY Softball Dream Boards

When the new season is about to start, how do you set your goals? Have you ever thought of making an inspiration board? They’re surprisingly easy, lots of fun, and can be a great motivator – especially since you’ll see the board every morning when you wake up – and every night before you go to bed.


  1. Paper, photos, and inspirational images (printed out or cut from magazines)
  2. Markers, pens, and pencils
  3. Scissors
  4. Thumbtacks, tape, and glue
  5. A tack board or poster board (ask permission before mounting anything to the wall)
  6. Your hopes and dreams for the season!
    softball inspiration board supplies


 As you can see, I really like colored pencils.


  1. There are no rules! These are your hopes and dreams – the things you’re wishing and working for. Display them however you imagine them to look, and write what you really believe.

sodtball dream board, softball inspiration board

This is my softball inspiration board.


  1. Set reasonable goals. For example, if you put “hit five home runs in every game” odds are, that’s not going to happen. But “aim for home runs” is absolutely reasonable and sets a goal that you can attain! Be positive – and include both short-term and long-term goals.
  2. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t achieve everything on the board – or if you said “practice every day” and then got the flu. There will be times when you just can’t do things you wanted to, or what seemed like a short-term goal turns out to actually be a long-term goal. There’s nothing wrong with that.
  3. Add to your board as the season progresses.  Your goals may change – for example, you might want to work on running the bases more quickly and add some running inspiration so you’ll train harder.  Or you’ll have some great new team photos to add – after all, there’s no “I” in team.
  4. Choose your style. Some people prefer a more collage-like board, and others like everything aligned, whereas many prefer some combination of the two.
  5. Keep a pen and marker by the board – especially if you include a calendar or a list of things you hope to achieve. This way, you can add new events (playoff or championship games) or cross off goals achieved as they happen.  Your board can be an ever-evolving work of art that represents you life. You may want to attach it with string so it’s always handy.

Alternately, your team may enjoy working on one together – to keep in the locker room, if possible. You could also create a notebook where everyone gets their own page and make copies for the whole team. Any team-building exercise is a great one, especially when it’s creative. Plus, it will be an excellent keepsake for each member of the team after the season ends – and an inspiration or reminder for the next one.

sodtball dream board, softball inspiration board

Have you made an inspiration board for this softball season?  We’d love if you shared it with us! Send your photos to the blog (blog@chalktalksports.com) and they may be featured in a future blog post!

Best of luck on making your dreams come true this season – now get out there and play (right after you start your awesome new dream board)!

The post DIY Softball Inspiration/Dream Boards appeared first on ChalkTalkSPORTS Blog.