Are you
Ready to run?
Gone For A Run is about celebrating running.
"I founded Gone For A Run because I cherish the joy in 'Going for a run' and I believe that the magic found when you run should be encouraged, shared, and celebrated." - Julie Lynn, Founder


Come, run along with us as we share our joy of everything running.

Wall BibFOLIO Display Hopefully you are already familiar with our BibFOLIO displays. They are a fantastic product that we created at Gone For a RUN, made for keeping race bibs safe in an attractive album.  After years of seeing our customers hang race bibs on walls and trying some crazy methods to make them look good and stay put, we've decided to help out!

Meet the new Wall BibFOLIO Display! These stylish bib displays have been designed with room in mind.  The Wall BibFOLIO Display is made with glossy, hand-finished wood pieces printed using our proprietary high resolution printing process, to give a top quality image that will last through the years. The wall mounts match the BibFOLIO's front cover, transforming the display into a piece of art that looks great on the wall. Almost all the designs can be personalized to give them an extra flare!

It's easy to add your race bibs! Just slide them into the protective sleeves. Then, slide the sleeve onto the adjustable twist rings and slide through the holes of the bib. The Wall BibFOLIO Display secures firmly into the wall using decorative screws.   Now your bib collection can grow and be proudly displayed! Your race bib display will become a part of your home that grows with you over the years, just like family portraits, or all those holiday cards collecting on the fridge.

These make great gifts for all the runners in your life. Do you know a running couple? Give them His & Hers Wall BibFOLIOs. Or, give a race bib display as a congratulations gift after someone finishes a half marathon, full marathon or triathlon. Holiday season is approaching quickly now; this could be the perfect gift for someone you know!

Show us how you use your BibFOLIOs or your cute ways of displaying your bibs! We love to see our products in use and bibs used in creative ways!Leave a comment here or check out out Facebook page!