Are you
Ready to run?
Gone For A Run is about celebrating running.
"I founded Gone For A Run because I cherish the joy in 'Going for a run' and I believe that the magic found when you run should be encouraged, shared, and celebrated." - Julie Lynn, Founder


Come, run along with us as we share our joy of everything running.

You're running in a marathon. You just reached mile 16 and it's looking like this could be a new PR. This is exactly what you need to qualify for Boston or NYC, this is a dream marathon. Then suddenly, you're leg feels tight, you can't help but grab your calf while intense pain goes up the back of your leg, your stride is ruined. You're trying to drag your leg seized in pain along, determined to keep going, walk it off. You've been hit with a muscle cramp and now you can kiss that new PR and qualifying time goodbye.

No one really knows what causes muscle cramps, which makes them impossible to completely avoid. That doesn't mean you can't try to take precautionary steps.  THere are a few simple things you can do to prevent this marathon nightmare from happening to you.

1.  Stretch
Everyone tell you to stretch before you run and for a good reason. If you decide to work out with "cold" muscles, meaning if you haven't been very active that day, you are far more likely to cramp up, or pull a muscle. Only you know what your tightest muscles are but, your calfs, hamstrings, quads and feet are the most likely to cramp.

2.  Go Bananas
Eating high potassium foods can help prevent muscle cramps down the road. If you are afraid of cramping up during a race, or have been cramping recently try eating bananas for about a week.

3. Know Your Pace
There really is no definitive cause for muscle cramps but, there is a theory that over use can be one of the causes. On race day a lot of runners are so revved up that they go faster than their usual pace. Going faster than you usually do in a race is usually a great thing, if you can keep it up. But if you haven't been training much or just have been having problems cramping, running too fast can trigger the cramps. Try to pace yourself accordingly and push yourself a bit more during training.

Now go stretch out, top your granola with a banana and get ready to run! We spent the weekend at the NYC half marathon, and we are getting excited as Boston gets closer. Keep training your butts off. We will see you on race day, hopefuly not hobbling along with a leg cramp. If you can't wait until race day to see us, like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram (@goneforarun).