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Ready to run?
Gone For A Run is about celebrating running.
"I founded Gone For A Run because I cherish the joy in 'Going for a run' and I believe that the magic found when you run should be encouraged, shared, and celebrated." - Julie Lynn, Founder


Come, run along with us as we share our joy of everything running.

Lately I have been using a GoneForaRUN LightGUIDE armband during training and wanted to share how beneficial and important they are for anyone running at night or early in the morning. 

I started training for a half just over 3 weeks ago – Here in New England, the sun is still having some trouble getting up in the morning and rushing to bed before 5:30 (I don’t even get out of work until 6:30) so needless to say I’ve been doing a lot of running in the dark - it’s almost a necessity this time of year.  I have always been apprehensive about running in the dark and my family has shared that concern.  With my wife’s adamant support – I was decked out with a wide assortment of different running lights and to be completely honest, none of them had the light power/visibility that the LightGUIDE LED has.

I have been running the dark and windy roads of Connecticut for years, and have experienced all kinds of close calls. It seems very clear to me that when I wear the LightGUIDE ArmBAND cars noticeably slow down and give me more room sooner and more often when they pass me on the street.  I know that it makes me a safer runner and can significantly reduce the chances of being hit by a car.

Check out this video of runners using the LightGUIDE ArmBANDS at night:

The LightGUIDE Armband comes in three different sizes and are all adjustable.  There are 3 light settings that can be changed with a click of the button: steady, fast blinking and slow blinking. I have been wearing a medium and it fits perfectly – and even adjusts if I decide to wear a heavier jacket or just a long sleeve tech tee. With LightGUIDE LED ArmBands from GoneForaRUN Running Never Stops!... not even when the sun goes down!

I am a strong supporter of this product and believe that anyone who runs at night should have one too!

Click Here to shop the LightGUIDE LED Arm LightBAND!